Never Forget Your Contact Details

I was surfing the net to look for a place to buy compost or worm castings for my container garden. My oregano is in dire need of nitrogen. I stumbled upon a website of a family-owned business that offers online payment for worm castings, and I got exited.

My bubble burst and frustration sets in when I navigated the website and cannot find a single contact detail. I would have offered this person good business because my mom-in-law is an absolute gardening addict.

As a freelancer with a website, having contact details in your website is a must for landing a great job. You never know who is viewing your profile, and who wish to hire you based on the skills that you’ve shown on your website content.

Good thing I’ve updated my “About” section, otherwise I’d be kicking myself on the head now…

Have you added a contact form on your website?

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. change it up editing
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 04:36:40

    I, too, have been frustrated by the inability to find a way to contact someone on their own website. You’ve given me some food for thought; I didn’t use a contact form on my site because I didn’t want it to be any more cluttered than it already is, but now I’m rethinking that decision.



    • Donna Marie
      Feb 22, 2014 @ 16:15:01

      Yes, it’s really frustrating to see a potential business, customer, or client not leave any form of contact details. Imagine all that good offers that passed you by because someone who visited your site has no way of contacting you, may it be through email or contact form.

      For me, contact forms can be useful in their own way because the visitor does not have to bother with several clicks on the web or on their PC just to be able to ask about a product, or say thank you for the wonderful service and information you have added in your site.

      And with the advent of tablets, a contact form can be a godsend because visitors don’t have to copy the email address, close the browser to pull up their email program (or open a new tab in their web explorer) then paste the email address or log in to their web based email then paste the address.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, and I am glad to know that I was able to give you something in return for all that information that you’ve given us in all your posts. 🙂



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